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Tag: Home Safety

Posted on 05/20/2024
Signs of a gas leak in your home
Gas leaks are a dangerous problem for homeowners. These leaks, which can occur from gas stoves, fireplaces and other gas-powered appliances, cause natural gas to build up inside your house, which can lead to serious and potentially deadly health problems. So it's important to know when you might have a gas leak. Here are a few of the...
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Posted on 11/27/2023
Home safety improvements: What type of funding could you get?
Making upgrades to your home can improve its safety, but these types of upgrades aren't always cheap. If you're avoiding these upgrades due to the cost, keep in mind funding options are available. These funding options can make some projects more affordable. Weatherization Assistance Program The Weatherization Assistance Program is available for households with incomes below a certain...
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Posted on 01/09/2023
Creating an evacuation plan for home safety
An evacuation plan is something every household should have...
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